Excel Advance

Course : Excel Advance
Course material language : English
Instruction language : English, Papiamento & Spanish
Duration of Course : 15 weeks
Hours : 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Teacher : E. Ras

Registration fee : Awg 50,-
Cost : Awg 250,-

Content outline Topics – Course Excel Advance:

• Herhaling Excel beginners
• Tabel, Alignments, Layout
• Tables and Formulas, Count, Countif, Counifs, Max, Min, Date, Time
• Tables, Formulas, Absolute, Protection, Validation, Conditional Formatting, …, Sum, Sumif, Sumifs, Average, Averageif, Averageifs
• If Formulas, If 3x, If(or), If(and), Index (Match), Table Name,
• Behandeling Proef 1 \ Rangename, Sheet, Vlookup Formule
• Vlookup Formule\Charts
• Vlookup Formule\ Pivot Charts\Slicers\Dashboard
• Filters\ Subtotals\Pivot Reports
• Macros \ Integrating Excel with Ms-Word

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1. Paga un tercer parti di e suma completo pa sigura bo inscripcion sea via transfer of na officina cu swipe (no cash). Si ta hasi pago via transfer (CMB 64681502) nota nomber, fam completo di cursista y nomber di e curso y manda e comprobante di pago na info@epearuba.com of na nos number di WhatsApp 6996992 .
2. Entrega papel di Censo di AWG 5 na officina of manda un copy na info@epearuba.com of na nos number di WhatsApp 6996992.