Human Resource

Course : Human Resource
Course material language : English & Spanish
Instruction language : English, Papiamento and Spanish
Duration of Course : 13 weeks
Hours : 7 PM – 9:15 PM
Teacher : Josefina R. Schotborg

Registration fee : Awg 50,-
Cost : Awg 250,-

Content outline Topics – Course Human Resource:

• The different aspects of Human Resource Management on your daily responsibilities
• Human resources terms and subject matter
• Recruit, interview, and retain employees
• Follow up with new employees in a structured manner
• Be an advocate for your employees’ health and safety
• Provide accurate, actionable feedback to employees
• Act appropriately in situations requiring discipline and termination
• Evaluate some of the strengths and opportunities for Human Resources in your own workplace
• Identify three areas for further development within the Human Resources field as part of a personal action plan
• Exam

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